Bagha Jatin Movie Review: Dev’s Remarkable Portrayal in this Patriotic Biopic

Bagha Jatin Movie Review

In the realm of Indian cinema, “Bagha Jatin” emerges as a tribute to the unsung hero of India’s freedom struggle, and Dev, the lead actor, takes center stage to deliver a memorable performance. While this film certainly has its merits, it also falls short in some aspects that could have elevated it to greater heights. The narrative, in particular, suffers from some pacing issues and a lack of backstory for pivotal characters involved in Bagha Jatin’s mission.

Director brings to life the story of Bagha Jatin, the revered Bengali freedom fighter, with dedication and authenticity. The film encapsulates a bygone era, but it could benefit from a more contemporary pace to keep audiences thoroughly engaged.

Bagha Jatin Movie Review

One of the film’s shortcomings is the editing, which leaves room for improvement in tightening the narrative. A more seamless flow would have enhanced the viewing experience. Although the film embraces its period setting, a faster pace could have injected more dynamism into the storytelling.

Bagha Jatin Movie Review

One of the narrative’s weak points is the lack of a compelling backstory for many of Bagha Jatin’s primary contacts during the planning stages and his team during execution. This omission detracts from the depth and engagement that the film could have achieved.

Nonetheless, the film shines in various areas, starting with Dev and Sudipta’s outstanding performances. Dev embodies the spirit of Bagha Jatin, and Sudipta, as Jatindranath’s elder sister Binodbala, complements him with her remarkable portrayal. Additionally, Carl delivers an impressive performance as Bagha Jatin’s nemesis, British cop Charles Tegart. The film boasts a strong ensemble cast, and even the smaller roles of freedom fighters are executed with great skill.

Bagha Jatin Movie Review

The film’s true strength lies in its action sequences. Whether it’s Bagha Jatin’s encounters with the police or intense gun battles, the action scenes are riveting. The judicious use of slow motion and a captivating background score succeed in delivering an adrenaline rush to the audience. The film’s cinematography is commendable throughout, but it truly excels during the action sequences, where the camerawork elevates the overall quality of the film.


A standout moment in the film is the VFX sequence that reveals how Jatindranath earned the moniker ‘Bagha’ by slaying a tiger. The hyper-realistic portrayal of the tiger and the execution of this sequence significantly enhance the film’s production quality.

Bagha Jatin Movie Review

Another memorable sequence portrays Bagha Jatin adopting various disguises, including that of a Naga Baba and a leper, to evade capture while traversing the streets of Calcutta. The makeup work in this sequence is particularly impressive and adds authenticity to the character transformations.

The film’s music, composed by Nilayan Chatterjee, is a standout feature, with several patriotic songs that stir the audience’s emotions. The background score effectively complements the on-screen emotions, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Bagha Jatin Movie Review

In conclusion, “Bagha Jatin” is a film that warrants a visit to the theater with an open mind. If you expect a patriotic film on the scale of “RRR,” you may be disappointed. However, if you are eager to delve into the life and journey of the renowned Bengali freedom fighter, Bagha Jatin, then this film is a must-watch. It is a cinematic tribute to a hero whose contributions to India’s struggle for independence deserve recognition and remembrance.

Movie Review