Thank You For Coming Movie Review : This sex comedy is funny yet impactful

Story: In this coming-of-age story, a 32-year-old die-hard romantic settles for an arranged marriage after a spate of failed relationships. She invites her ex-lovers to her engagement ceremony and, by the end of the boozy night, experiences her first orgasm. The night turns out to be a journey of introspection and exploration of love and female pleasure.

Thank You For Coming Movie Review

Review: Director Karan Boolani’s latest film delves into the life of Kanika Kapoor, portrayed by Bhumi Pednekar, a 32-year-old woman in search of a partner who can fulfill her desires in the bedroom. Her journey to find the ideal romantic partner takes a toll on her self-esteem, leading her to question her own worth as she’s continuously labeled a “defective piece.” Frustrated with societal judgments and convinced that a fairytale romance is beyond her reach, Kanika decides to marry a successful but seemingly ordinary man. The central question remains: will she finally discover her prince charming, the one who can sweep her off her feet and satisfy her deepest desires?

As the story unfolds, Kanika navigates her own confusion during a pivotal event – her roka (pre-engagement) ceremony. This event forces her to confront a dilemma: should she choose one of her former lovers or stick with her fiance?

The film, penned by Radhika Anand and Prashasti Singh, goes beyond the confines of a typical sex comedy. It delves into topics such as peer pressure and the societal expectations placed on women, including the seldom-discussed subject of women finding contentment despite not experiencing orgasmic pleasure. This is a topic rarely explored, even in private conversations, making the movie’s approach all the more refreshing.

The movie raises awareness on these sensitive subjects while maintaining an ultra-glamorous and humorous tone. At times, it’s frustrating to see the struggles that women, ranging from teenagers like Kanika’s best friend Tina Das’s (Shibani Bedi) daughter to senior single women like her mother, Dr. Kapoor (Natasha Rastogi), experience as fiercely independent individuals. The film is also sprinkled with witty one-liners, such as “GST nahin, apni maang bhar” (meaning “Fill your own parting, not the Goods and Services Tax”), and it showcases Kanika’s penchant for falling for both older and younger men, spanning from “wheelchair to pram.”

Thank You For Coming Movie Review

Bhumi Pednekar’s casting in the role of Kanika is spot-on. She embodies a character who inherits her mother’s strength and feminist streak, even if she’s unaware of it. Kanika grapples with self-doubt and frequently undermines herself, yet she refuses to compromise when it comes to her standards for an ideal partner. While her past lovers remind her of her strength, it often appears as a latent quality that surfaces only occasionally. The supporting cast, including Dolly Singh and Shibani Bedi as her best friends, perform admirably and shine in the emotional scenes as well. Kusha Kapila, portraying one of the quintessential mean girls, delivers an excellent performance in her brief role. Anil Kapoor’s appearance as Kanika’s much older lover, a lover of Gulzar saab, is a delightful addition to the cast. Shehnaaz Gill portrays a self-assured young woman who openly embraces the idea that a girl should seek out pleasure.

The film’s soundtrack, composed by QARAN and Hanita Bhambri, is outstanding, with Sunita Rao’s “Pari Hoon Main” redux featuring Sushant Divgikar being a particular highlight. The song is brilliantly shot, adding to the film’s overall appeal.

While the movie occasionally delves into raunchy content, it effectively conveys the message of self-love through the lens of female pleasure. This sex comedy is an enjoyable and enlightening experience that is well worth watching for its bold and seldom-explored themes.

Karan Boolani’s film takes a bold approach by addressing topics that are often considered taboo in mainstream cinema. It delves into the complexities of female desire and self-worth, shining a light on the struggles women face in their pursuit of fulfilling relationships and personal pleasure. This film goes beyond the surface-level humor of a typical sex comedy and ventures into deeper, more thought-provoking territory.

The portrayal of Kanika Kapoor by Bhumi Pednekar is noteworthy. She brings depth and authenticity to a character who grapples with societal pressure, self-doubt, and an ever-present need for validation. Kanika’s character resonates with many women who have faced similar challenges in their lives. Bhumi Pednekar’s performance captures the vulnerability and strength of her character, making Kanika a relatable and endearing protagonist.

The supporting cast also contributes significantly to the film’s charm. Dolly Singh and Shibani Bedi, as Kanika’s best friends, provide both humor and emotional depth to their roles. Their camaraderie with Kanika showcases the importance of supportive friendships in navigating life’s challenges. Anil Kapoor’s role as Kanika’s older lover adds a touch of maturity and depth to the story. His character’s love for Gulzar saab adds a unique layer to the narrative, and Kapoor’s performance is a delight to watch. Shehnaaz Gill’s portrayal of a self-assured young woman who embraces her desires with confidence is a refreshing addition to the film.

The film’s soundtrack, composed by QARAN and Hanita Bhambri, is a standout feature. The redux of Sunita Rao’s “Pari Hoon Main” featuring Sushant Divgikar is brilliantly executed and enhances the overall cinematic experience. Music plays a significant role in setting the mood and tone of the film, making it even more engaging.

While the movie doesn’t shy away from raunchy humor and explicit content, it manages to convey a powerful message about self-love and the importance of female pleasure. The film challenges societal norms and sheds light on issues that are rarely discussed openly. It is a refreshing departure from the conventional romantic comedies and offers a fresh perspective on relationships and self-acceptance.

In conclusion, Karan Boolani’s film is a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of female desire and self-worth. It addresses sensitive topics with humor and glamour, making it an enjoyable and enlightening experience. Bhumi Pednekar’s outstanding performance, along with the strong supporting cast and a stellar soundtrack, make this film a must-watch for those looking for a bold and refreshing take on relationships and self-love.

Thank You For Coming Official Trailer