Raktabeej Movie Review: Nandita and Shiboprosad’s Departure into Action Thrills 2023

Raktabeej Movie Review

Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad Mukherjee, the renowned director duo known for their heartwarming family dramas, have ventured into uncharted territory with “Raktabeej.” In this action-adventure film, they take a departure from their comfort zone to deliver a power-packed, high-octane thriller.

The movie, featuring a talented ensemble cast, unfolds in the remote town of Khoyragarh. A sudden explosion shatters the tranquility, revealing a sinister terror plot with a potential attempt to assassinate the President of India, who happened to be in the vicinity. The local police force joins forces with specialists from the mysterious ‘Centre’ to thwart the threat and ensure the safety of the VVIP. Meanwhile, the terrorists continue to hatch their nefarious schemes.

Raktabeej Movie Review

The director duo’s meticulous planning is evident as they craft a tightly-knit script, dividing it into distinct days and segments that seamlessly interweave to offer a range of narratives and perspectives. What initially appears to be a straightforward operation unfolds through various characters and their intricate interpersonal relationships, a storytelling style they have perfected in films like “Gotro,” “Bela Seshe,” and “Praktan.” This approach does not dilute the essence of the fast-paced narrative, which is elevated by well-executed, tightly edited action sequences, credited to Pratip Mukherjee.

Raktabeej Movie Review

The film boasts a diverse ensemble cast, including Victor Banerjee, who portrays the President of India with his signature gravitas and effortless charm. His character returns to his hometown for Durga Puja, reuniting with his older sister, played by Anashua Majumdar, who is thrilled to see him but disapproves of his decision to reject a mercy plea. The on-screen chemistry between the two siblings is enriched with flashbacks from their childhood, illustrating how they served as each other’s pillars of support. On the other hand, when Pankaj Sinha (Abir Chatterjee) enters the scene, he faces considerable disdain from the regional police head, Sanjukta (Mimi Chakraborty), who fears he may overshadow her accomplishments. Abir and Mimi exude a palpable chemistry that greatly enhances their interactions, whether they are working together to pursue a villain or engaging in verbal sparring.

However, Kanchan Mullick, in the role of the local police officer in charge, steals the show with his memorable catchphrases and the humorous way he mangles the Hindi language simply by speaking it. Debasish Mondal, portraying the elusive Munir Alam, delivers an exceptional performance, while other supporting actors, including Ambarish Bhattacharya, Tanusree Shankar, Gulshanara Khatun, Devlina Kumar, and Satyam Bhattacharya, perform commendably in their respective roles.

Raktabeej Movie Review

The film incorporates songs and music judiciously, enhancing the overall cinematic experience. The lively “Gobindo daant maje na,” the melodious “Nakku Nakur Na Jao Thakur,” and the enchanting “Gouri Elo” are tunes that are bound to stay with the audience. The integration of poetry, notably Rabindranath Tagore’s “Birpurush,” is tastefully done, adding depth to the narrative.

While “Raktabeej” intends to convey a powerful message about terrorism, it may not delve deeply into the backstories of all the characters or complete their character arcs. Nevertheless, for those curious to see how these filmmakers, known for their social and family dramas, have successfully navigated the action-thriller genre, this film is a must-watch this season.