RDX Love Movie Review: Payal Rajput Shines Amidst a Weak Script

RDX Love Movie Review: Payal Rajput Shines Amidst a Weak Script

“RDX Love” features Payal Rajput in a leading role as Alivelu, a village campaigner who aspires to address her village’s long-standing problems. The movie attempts to blend social issues, action sequences, and elements of romance. Despite its promising storyline and Payal Rajput’s commendable performance, the film falters due to a weak script, lackluster supporting cast, and excessive focus on adult comedy.

RDX Love Movie Review: Payal Rajput Shines Amidst a Weak Script


The movie revolves around Alivelu (Payal Rajput), a village belle who works as a campaigner for government welfare schemes, focusing on issues like safe sex and the ban on gutka. Her primary objective is to secure a bridge for her village to ensure safe travel. She aims to achieve this by reaching out to the Chief Minister. Her journey takes a turn when she encounters Siddu (Tejus Kancherla), the son of a prominent figure, and seeks his help in addressing her village’s issues. The film explores how Alivelu, with Siddu’s support, attempts to solve the village’s longstanding problems.

RDX Love Movie Review: Payal Rajput Shines Amidst a Weak Script


Payal Rajput, who made a stunning debut in “RX 100,” returns as Alivelu in “RDX Love” and delivers a strong performance. She not only excels in action sequences but also showcases her glamorous side effectively. The film’s plot initially surprises with its engaging storyline, challenging the expectations set by promotional materials. It’s encouraging to see a female-centric film with substantial content in Telugu cinema.

RDX Love Movie Review: Payal Rajput Shines Amidst a Weak Script

However, “RDX Love” falls short of its potential due to its mishandling of the emotional aspects. The film’s first half indulges in cheap and flat adult comedy, which fails to resonate with the audience. The inclusion of such humor feels unnecessary and takes away from the overall impact of the story. Mumait Khan’s portrayal of a cop doesn’t work, and Tejus Kancherla’s screen presence lacks the necessary emotive depth. In comparison, Payal Rajput consistently outperforms her co-star.

RDX Love Movie Review: Payal Rajput Shines Amidst a Weak Script

On a positive note, senior actors like Nagineedu and Naresh deliver commendable performances, adding some depth to the narrative. The film also boasts impressive visuals, but the subpar music by Radhan fails to enhance the movie’s overall quality.

RDX Love Movie Review: Payal Rajput Shines Amidst a Weak Script

The film’s focus on cheap comedy and excessive glamour distracts from its potential. The intimate scenes become repetitive, and the movie loses its appeal. “RDX Love” could have benefitted from a stronger emphasis on the well-crafted storyline and Payal Rajput’s exceptional acting skills. Director Shankar Banu might have elevated the film’s quality by concentrating on these aspects instead of relying on superficial elements.

RDX Love Movie Review: Payal Rajput Shines Amidst a Weak Script

In conclusion, “RDX Love” offers a promising premise with a strong performance from Payal Rajput. However, its weak script, misplaced humor, and a lackluster supporting cast detract from its overall impact. The movie’s potential is overshadowed by its focus on adult comedy and excessive glamour. Despite its shortcomings, Payal Rajput’s grace and talent manage to salvage the film from being completely forgettable.